Mi Lin
Degrees Received
M.S. Sediments and Water Environment,
School of Environment Sciences and Engineering, Peking University, China, 2012-2015
Supervisor: Dr. Peng Han
Thesis: Coupled model of solute transport in saturated-unsaturated zone under reused water irrigation
B.E. Hydrology and Water resources Engineering,
School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University, China 2008-2012
Supervisor: Prof. Guorong Zhu
Thesis: Factor analysis of shallow groundwater around landfill and assessment of soil and water
Current Position
Ph.D. Candidate, Renewable Resource, Natural Resource Sciences Department,
School of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, McGill University, Canada, 2015-current
Supervisors: Dr. Asim Biswas and Dr. Elena Bennett
Thesis: Spatio-temporal dynamics of groundwater and its management in the Yellow River Basin
Research interests
My bachelor studies equipped me with comprehensive geological knowledge and fundamentals for groundwater studies. Supported by Prof. Zhu, I led a four-member group to conduct a scientific project funded by the National Ministry of Education. We examined the heavy metal effect of the tailing piles of a mining company . With the combination of chemical analysis and 3D modelling, we finally identified heavy metal's migration via groundwater and predicted its pollutants plume. The project as granted at an Excellent level(top).
My master research focused on coupling groundwater model. In the past, the waterflow in vadose zone and in the aquifers are modelled splitly, which may neglect the interactions of surface and groundwater. I adopted GMS (Groundwater Modelling Software) and Hydrus to connect these two water flow processes. Taking Zhongwei, Ningxia as a case, I modelled the groundwater movement and solute transport in a fast-tree base in Ningixia, where people irrigate the desert with reused water and grow trees for paper making.
With the training of chemical analysis and numeric simulations, I gradually become interested in water management. Following the previous studies, I keep on studying the myths of groundwater, but using a combination of natural and social method to explore how we can manage groundwater use for the long run. My PhD study is to explore the social and ecological drivers to the change of groundwater recharge, and examine the interactions of these human and natural factors. I use satellite data (GRACE) to detect the groundwater change and adopt stakeholder analysis and scenario planning to understand the current management system and relationships of interests between multiple stakeholders. I believe a combination of data-driven science and community-based research would help connect the science and society in a cohesive manner.
Selected Awards
E.D. Soulis Memorial Award, Water Week at Blue, Canadian Water Resource Association, 2019
QCBS Excellence Award, Quebec Center for Biodiversity Science, 2019
Gold Key Award (in Recognition of Outstanding Contributions to Campus) 2018, presentation on Founder's Day
3MT Presenter and Award-winner (Invited presentation on Founder's Day) 2017
Seed Grant Winner of Center for Social and Cultural Data Science 2017
Presentation Award for International Conference of Earth Observation and Societal Impacts (ICEO-SI), 2016
Travel Award of Canadian Society of Soil Sciences (CSSS), 2016
Graduate Excellence Award of McGill University, 2015
Scholarship funded by Chinese Scholarship Council, 2015-2019
Scholaships for social work of Peking University and Nanjing University, 2013 & 2010
National Scholarship, 2011
Award for "Outstanding Student Leader of Nanjing University" (Top 5) , 2011
Selected Publications
Peer-reviewed journals and book chapters:
Lin, M., Biswas, A., & Bennett, E. M. (2019). Identifying hotspots and representative monitoring area of groundwater changes with time stability analysis. Science of The Total Environment, 667, 419-426
Lin, M., Biswas, A., & Bennett, E. M. (2019). Spatio-temporal dynamics of groundwater storage changes in the Yellow River Basin. Journal of environmental management, 235, 84-95.
Lin M., Biswas A. (2017). Climate Mediated Changes in Permafrost and Their Effects on Natural and Human Environments. Adaptive Soil Management: From Theory to Practices. Springer, 477-512.
Ji, W., Lin, M., Biswas, A., Si, B. C., Chau, H. W., and Cresswell, H. P. (2016). Fractal behavior of soil water storage at multiple depths, Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 23, 269-284.
Yu, Y., Han, P., Lin, M. (2016) Coupled simulation of water and salt in vadose zone and saturated zone in semi-arid areas, Arid Zone Research.
Conference papers and newsletters:
Lin, M. (2014). Apply SPSS to study the solute transfer in fast-growing trees base, ASABE.
Lin, M. (2013). Chinese ocean dream: Human and ocean seminar review of Beijing Forum, PKU Gazette.
Lin, M., Ma, B. (2013). Fusion and collision of water: round table meeting in Beijing Forum, PKU Gazette.
Lin, M. (2013). A Reform attempt in Science and Education System, PKU Gazette, 2013.
Lin, M. (2013). Explore the stability boundary of atomic nucleus: Interview of Prof. Ye, PKU Gazette.
Wang, E., Lin, M. (2012). Innovation in finance will lead to social equality, 21st century economy press.
Selected Presentations
Oral Presentation, Community-based management on groundwater based on stakeholder analysis, Water Week at Blue (Canadian Water Resource Association and Canadian Water Summit), 2019
Invited Presentation, Listen to the story that groundwater tells, Whisper from the Earth (Pint of Science), 2018
Poster, Visualization and software applications of 3D geological models, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering (ASABE), 2016
Poster with oral presentation, Hydrological Effects of Permafrost Degradation in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, International Conference on Earth Observations and Societal Impacts (ICEO-SI), 2016
Oral Presentation, Human induced problems on soil and water in the Yellow River Basin examined by GIS-based models, Canadian Society of Soil Sciences (CSSS), 2016
Oral Presentation, Impact of Water Right System on the Yellow River Basin, 69th National Annual Conference of Canadian Water Resource Association (CWRA), 2016
Oral Presentation, Developments of 3D geological visualization and its application in water governance, 15th Research Postgraduate Conference in the Faculty of Social Sciences of HKU, 2014
Poster, Low-carbon life with mobile application ( "Low-carbon manager"), 10th Anniversary Meeting of Clean Water (NGO), 2014
Music Ensemble in McGill Student Chinese Music Society (video)2018
Music Performance (Solo: Xueshanchunxiao Ensemble: Yirenrumeng with Erhu and Guitar) in Mac Music Mash, 2016
Music Show (Ensemble: Yirenrumeng with Erhu) in 2016 Montreal Chinese New Year Gala, 2016
Chinese Landscape Painting Presentations (1, 2)in Nanjing University, 2012
Music Performance as a representative of Nanjing University for CCTV (Ensemble) , 2012
Recent Training and Certificate
QCBS R workshops, Quebec Center for Biodiversity Science, 2019
Advanced GIS, McGill, 2017
Interviews and Focus Groups, WSSR, 2016
Leadership Retreat, Leopold Leadership Program, 2016
Water ethic opportunity for Canada(webinar), CWRA, 2016
COMSOL Multiphysics & Application Builder, 2016
Introduction to Biosafety, EHS, 2016
WHMIS (Workplace Hazadous Materials Information System), EHS, 2015
HWM (Hazadous Waste Management and Disposal), EHS, 2015
Building Capacity of CSOs (Civil Society Organization) in China, United Nations Development Program, 2015
GMS (Groundwater Modelling System) and Hydrus, 2014
Other Interests
Guzheng (Chinese Zither) (Enjoy the soundclip as below)
Chinese landscape painting (See the paintings at the top of this webpage)
Contact information
[email protected]