Marie Dade

Current Position
Postdoctoral fellow in Sustainable Landscapes, McGill Sustainability Systems Initiative, McGill University
Degrees Received
Doctorate of Philosophy (2018)
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Queensland, Australia.
Thesis: “Managing multiple ecosystem services”.
Supervisors: Assoc. Professor Jonathan Rhodes, Dr. Matthew Mitchell (UBC, Vancouver), Professor Clive McAlpine.
- Master of Science (2013)
- School of Earth and Environment, University of Western Australia, Australia.
- Thesis: “Can spatial data accurately locate optimal sites for assisted colonisation? Identifying suitable habitat for the Western Swamp Tortoise (Pseudemydura umbrina) under a changing climate”.
- Supervisors: Assoc. Professor Natasha Pauli, Assoc. Professor Nicki Mitchell, Assoc. Professor Matthew Hipsey.
- Bachelor of Science (Environmental Management) (2012)
- School of Earth and Environment, University of Western Australia, Australia.
Research interests
My research focuses on how we can better manage multiple ecosystem services (the benefits people receive from ecosystems) across landscapes. In particular, I am interested in understanding how different policies and management actions influence how we access ecosystem services, and how we can use this information to better manage multiple ecosystem services simultaneously across landscapes. By identifying the policies and management actions that increase access to multiple ecosystem services, we can implement better strategies that promote sustainable landscapes where ecosystems can provide services to growing human populations.
- Landscape ecology
- Ecosystem service trade-offs and synergies
- Managing ecosystem services in multi-functional landscapes
- Human-nature relationships
Dade, M.C., Mitchell, M.G.E., McAlpine, C.A., Rhodes, J.R. 2018. Assessing ecosystem service trade-offs and synergies: The need for a more mechanistic approach. Ambio,
Brown, G., Rhodes, J., Dade, M. 2018. An evaluation of participatory mapping methods to assess urban park benefits. Landscape and Urban planning 178: 18-31,
Dade, M.C., Pauli, N., Mitchell, N.J. 2014. Mapping a new future: using spatial multiple criteria analysis to identify novel habitats for assisted colonization of endangered species. Animal Conservation,
Grants and scholarships
- Ecological Society of Australia Student Travel Grant (2017)
- Office of Environment and Heritage/ Ecological Society of Australia Student Outreach Award (2016)
- ARC Centre for Excellence in Environmental Decisions (CEED) Top-Up scholarship (2016)
- Wonder of Science Student Ambassador Award (2015-2017)
- German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Travel Grant (2015)
- University of Queensland Research Scholarship (UQRS) (2015-2018)
- Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) (2013)
- University of Western Australia Top-Up Scholarship (2013)
- University of Western Australia SWANS Scholarship (2009-2012)
Contact information
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @Marie_Dade