Karine Dancose
Degrees Received
M.Sc. Biology, Functional Connectivity of the Landscape, 2011, Université Laval, Québec, Canada.
B.Sc. Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, 2007, McGill University, Québec, Canada.
Current Position
Communication Officer for the Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Connectivity in the Montérégie Project
Dancose, K., Fortin, D., Guo, X. 2011. Mechanisms of functional connectivity: the case of the free-ranging bison in a forest landscape. Ecological Applications 21(5), pp.1871-1885.
Fortin, D., Dancose, K., Courbin, N., Harvey, L., Babin, J.-S., Courant, S., Wilmshurst, J.F., Frandsen, D. 2010. The use of ecological theory to guide bison management. Pages 201-210 dans J.M. Wójcik, R. Kowalczyk, D. Ławreszuk, editors. European bison conservation in Białowieża Forest. Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Białowieża, Poland. (En anglais et en polonais)
Fortin, D., Fortin, M.-E., Beyer, H.L., Duchesne, T., Courant, S., Dancose, K. 2009. Group size mediated habitat selection and group fusion-fission dynamics of bison under predation risk. Ecology 90(9), pp.2480-2490.
Running, biking, hiking, reading and most importantly spending valuable time with family and friends.
Contact Info
[email protected]
M.Sc. Biology, Functional Connectivity of the Landscape, 2011, Université Laval, Québec, Canada.
B.Sc. Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, 2007, McGill University, Québec, Canada.
Current Position
Communication Officer for the Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Connectivity in the Montérégie Project
- Creating and maintaining a communication plan with project partners
- Ensuring effective communication with local stakeholders and partners
- Presenting the project to local stakeholders and develop partnerships
- Updating project website
Dancose, K., Fortin, D., Guo, X. 2011. Mechanisms of functional connectivity: the case of the free-ranging bison in a forest landscape. Ecological Applications 21(5), pp.1871-1885.
Fortin, D., Dancose, K., Courbin, N., Harvey, L., Babin, J.-S., Courant, S., Wilmshurst, J.F., Frandsen, D. 2010. The use of ecological theory to guide bison management. Pages 201-210 dans J.M. Wójcik, R. Kowalczyk, D. Ławreszuk, editors. European bison conservation in Białowieża Forest. Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Białowieża, Poland. (En anglais et en polonais)
Fortin, D., Fortin, M.-E., Beyer, H.L., Duchesne, T., Courant, S., Dancose, K. 2009. Group size mediated habitat selection and group fusion-fission dynamics of bison under predation risk. Ecology 90(9), pp.2480-2490.
Running, biking, hiking, reading and most importantly spending valuable time with family and friends.
Contact Info
[email protected]