Jackie Hamilton
Current Position
PhD Student, Department of Natural Resource Science, McGill University
Jointly supervised by Prof. Murray Humphries
Degrees Received
Master of Forest Conservation (2015)
University of Toronto
Capstone: Localization of threatened gray rat snake (Pantherophis spiloides) hibernacula
Supervisor: Dr. Jay Malcolm
Honours Bachelor of Environmental Science (Specialization in Conservation and Biodiversity) (2012)
University of Ottawa
Research interests
I am interested in the ways that people benefit from the rest of the living world and how consideration of nature's many benefits could lead to more sustainable and just decision making. Methods and information used to understand ecosystem services vary across ecological and social contexts and scales and require interdisciplinary approaches. This can make accounting for and monitoring ecosystem services complex. As part of the NSERC ResNet Project’s synthesis team I will be investigating ecosystem service indicators and ways to better link ecosystem monitoring and accounting. I hope to identify gaps that could be filled to improve Canada’s current approach to monitoring of ecosystem services.
Past experience
For almost a decade prior to starting at McGill I worked with not-for-profit and local government agencies in southern Ontario on urban and peri-urban forest related research and policy. This research included developing green infrastructure scenarios to inform microclimate modeling and health-related ecosystem service valuations and developing conservation strategies and indicators for watersheds and a regional near-urban nature network.
Selected Awards
Prince of Wales Forest Leadership Award (2015)
T.W. Dwight Prize (2015)
Faculty of Forestry Award (2013)
Contact information
[email protected]
You can also find me on LinkedIn and Twitter