Daniel Haberman

Degrees Received
B.Sc. in Geography, minor in GIS, 2013 – Department of Geography, McGill University
Current Position
MSc. Candidate (September 2014 - present)
Research interests
Spending half of my childhood in the Laurentians hiking, swimming, and skiing, I have always had a passion for nature and the many types of values that people derive from it. The other part of my upbringing was spent in Montreal, experiencing a more fast-paced urban lifestyle. These experiences have driven my research interests, which involve finding ways to manage urban landscapes more sustainably in order to minimize stress on the surrounding environments and preserve ecosystem services.
My M.Sc. thesis will focus on the mapping and modelling of ecosystem service flows from peri-urban and rural areas into urban hubs. City dwellers often benefit from services derived from the surrounding rural or peri-urban areas, though flows are often difficult to track and characterize. I hope to develop rough indicators of ecosystem service supply and demand for cities and their surrounding areas, and explore socio-ecological drivers of these flows through stakeholder interviews.
More generally, I am also interested in the land sparing/land sharing debate, urban agriculture, spatio-temporal modelling & GIS, and indirect land use change.
Peer reviewed
Haberman D, Gillies L, Canter A, Rinner V, Pancrazi L, Martellozzo F. The Potential of Urban Agriculture in Montréal: A Quantitative Assessment.ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2014; 3(3):1101-1117.
Other publications
Haberman D, Araos M. 2012. Mapping Sunlight on the Rooftops of Ville Marie, Montreal. Field Notes: The McGill Undergraduate Geography Research Journal (2): 68 – 82.
Haberman D, Canter A, Clercq A, Dreyer W, Gillies L, Pancrazi L, Rinner V, Martellozzo F. 2013. Feeding a City: Urban Agriculture in Montreal. McGill Sustainability Research Symposium: Adapting to a Changing Climate, McGill University, Montreal.
ultimate frisbee, biking, skiing/snowboarding, squash, cooking, yoga.
Contact Info
daniel dot haberman at mail dot mcgill dot ca