Catherine Destrempes

Current Position
M.Sc. Candidate, Department of Natural Resources, McGill University
Dr. Elena Bennett
Degrees Received
- B.Sc. Agriculture and Environmental Science (2019)
McGill University
Research interests
I have always been a nature lover and this passion of mine lead me to seek to understand early on the beauty that surrounded me. I am fascinated by human-nature relationship which has led me to develop a strong interest in ecosystem services. I am particularly interested in understanding how human and nature can coexist and thrive together through restoration and enhancement of ecosystem services.
Past research
During my BSc, I worked as a research assistant for several research projects. I helped Professor Marie-Andrée Giroux of Moncton University and her team on Igloolik Island in the Arctic. This field season leads me to conduct a research project with her and Professor Kyle Elliott of McGill University to identify the literature readily available on allochthonous input of marine resources in the Arctic terrestrial ecosystems. I further assisted PhD student M. David Pelletier of UQAR in his field project looking at nesting behaviour of the Northern gannet population of Île-Bonaventure-et-du-Rocher-Percé National Park.
Other interests
Hiking and trekking, backpacking, travelling, ukulele, gardening
Selected Awards
NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarships – Master’s program (2020-2021)
Contact information
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Twitter: @DestrempesC