Current Position
Postdoctoral Fellow in the Canadian Facility for Ecoinformatics Research (CFER), University of Ottawa, and Visiting Scholar in the Dept. of Natural Resource Sciences, McGill University Supervisors: Drs. Jeremy Kerr and Elena Bennett Research Interests: biodiversity, conservation biology, ecosystem services, agroecosystems, avian spatial distribution and behaviour Education 2014 – 2016 FQRNT Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Ottawa (Supervisor: Dr. Jeremy Kerr) Visiting Scholar, McGill University (Supervisor: Dr. Elena Bennett) 2009 – 2013 Ph.D. (Natural Resource Sciences), McGill University Thesis: Roles of maladaptive behavior and evolutionary traps in the decline of a threatened woodpecker (Supervisors: Drs. James Fyles and Joe Nocera, Trent University) 2005 – 2008 M.Sc. (Natural Resource Sciences), McGill University Thesis: Ecology and management of Bobolinks in hayfields of Québec and Ontario (Supervisors: Drs. Rodger Titman and David Bird) 2000 – 2004 B.Sc. honors (Biology), Carleton University. Thesis: Vibrational communication in Hook-tip moth caterpillars (Supervisor: Dr. Jayne Yack) |
Research Interests
I am drawn to ecological research due to my endless curiosity and love for the natural world around me, especially the wildlife within it. I am passionate about conservation and using science, communication, and outreach to find feasible solutions to enable humans and wildlife to co-exist in a healthy and sustainable natural world. I remain an ever-optimistic conservation biologist, which in today’s world may be an endangered species of its own.
I obtained my B.Sc. honours degree from Carleton University in Ottawa in 2004. Next I went to the Dept. of Natural Resource Science at McGill University for both my M.Sc. and Ph.D where I researched the ecology, conservation, and behaviour of two different threatened bird species, the Bobolink and the Red-headed Woodpecker. Through my research and interactions with farmers and landowners, I began to appreciate the complexities and dilemmas faced by conservation biologists in an ever changing, economically driven world.
My postdoctoral research explores and contrasts different approaches to land use planning (land sparing and land sharing) in temperate agroecosystems, and their ability to conserve biodiversity and provide ecosystem services. I am especially interested in the benefits and drawbacks of the two approaches, and how they may differ with scale. I feel very lucky to be involved with both the Bennett lab at McGill University and the Kerr lab at the University of Ottawa.
Frei B, Fyles J, Berl JL, Edwards JW, Nocera JJ. 2015. Low fecundity of Red-headed Woodpeckers at the northern edge of the range. Wilson Journal of Ornithology. In press.
Frei B, Smith KG, Withgott JH, Rodewald PG. 2015. Red-headed Woodpecker (Melanerpes erythrocephalus), The Birds of North America Online (A. Poole, Ed.). Ithaca, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Frei B, Nocera JJ, Fyles J. 2015. Interference competition and nest survival of the threatened Red-headed Woodpecker. Journal of Ornithlogy. DOI 10.1007/s10336-015-1177-66
Frei B, Fyles J, Nocera JJ. 2013. Maladaptive habitat use of a North American woodpecker in population decline. Ethology 119: 377-388.
Guedes RNC, Matheson SM, Frei B, Smith ML, Yack JE. 2012. Vibrational detection and discrimination in the masked birch caterpillar (Drepana arcuata). Journal of Comparative Physiology A 198: 325-335.
Frei B, Bird DM, Titman RD. 2010. Bobolink egg mass variability and nestling growth patterns. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122: 432-438.
Hudson MA, Gahbauer M, Leckie S, Frei B. 2008. Unusually Extensive Preformative Molt in Hatching-year Song Sparrows. North American Bird Bander 33: 1-6
Frei B, Bennett E, Kerr JT. In review. Biodiversity conservation in temperate agroecosystems requires both land sharing and land sparing. Conservation Biology.
Corriveau A, Jones L, Frei B. In prep. Cavity characteristics and occupancy of Collared Aracaris (Pteroglossus torquatus) in a fragmented landscape. Target journal: Journal of Tropical Ecology.
Frei B, Nocera JJ, Cadille J, Fyles J. In prep. Mapping temporal fluctuations in the relationship between a threatened species and two possible competitors. Target journal: Condor
Frei B, Fyles J, Nocera JJ. In prep. Avian communities in deciduous woodlots of Ontario. Target journal: The Canadian Journal of Forestry Research.
Selected Honours and Awards
· FRQNT, Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2014
· Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution, Student Presentation Award, 2013
· McGill University, Graduate Excellence Fellowship, 2012 & 2013
· Species at Risk Research Fund for Ontario (SARRFO), 2012
· Species at Risk Stewardship Fund (SARSF), 2010-2011
· FRQNT, Graduate Scholarship, 2011-2012
· NSERC, Postgraduate Scholarship D2, 2009-2011
· McGill University Graduate Student Fellowship, 2009
· Trent University Dean’s PhD Scholarship, declined: 2009
· Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, Research Grant, 2007-2008
· Fondation de la Faune de Québec, Research Grant, 2006-2007
· NSERC, Canada Graduate Scholarship, 2005-2007
Hiking, gardening, cooking, birding, natural history, cross-country skiing, snowboarding, travelling
Contact information
[email protected]
You can also check out my website for more details!
I am drawn to ecological research due to my endless curiosity and love for the natural world around me, especially the wildlife within it. I am passionate about conservation and using science, communication, and outreach to find feasible solutions to enable humans and wildlife to co-exist in a healthy and sustainable natural world. I remain an ever-optimistic conservation biologist, which in today’s world may be an endangered species of its own.
I obtained my B.Sc. honours degree from Carleton University in Ottawa in 2004. Next I went to the Dept. of Natural Resource Science at McGill University for both my M.Sc. and Ph.D where I researched the ecology, conservation, and behaviour of two different threatened bird species, the Bobolink and the Red-headed Woodpecker. Through my research and interactions with farmers and landowners, I began to appreciate the complexities and dilemmas faced by conservation biologists in an ever changing, economically driven world.
My postdoctoral research explores and contrasts different approaches to land use planning (land sparing and land sharing) in temperate agroecosystems, and their ability to conserve biodiversity and provide ecosystem services. I am especially interested in the benefits and drawbacks of the two approaches, and how they may differ with scale. I feel very lucky to be involved with both the Bennett lab at McGill University and the Kerr lab at the University of Ottawa.
Frei B, Fyles J, Berl JL, Edwards JW, Nocera JJ. 2015. Low fecundity of Red-headed Woodpeckers at the northern edge of the range. Wilson Journal of Ornithology. In press.
Frei B, Smith KG, Withgott JH, Rodewald PG. 2015. Red-headed Woodpecker (Melanerpes erythrocephalus), The Birds of North America Online (A. Poole, Ed.). Ithaca, Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Frei B, Nocera JJ, Fyles J. 2015. Interference competition and nest survival of the threatened Red-headed Woodpecker. Journal of Ornithlogy. DOI 10.1007/s10336-015-1177-66
Frei B, Fyles J, Nocera JJ. 2013. Maladaptive habitat use of a North American woodpecker in population decline. Ethology 119: 377-388.
Guedes RNC, Matheson SM, Frei B, Smith ML, Yack JE. 2012. Vibrational detection and discrimination in the masked birch caterpillar (Drepana arcuata). Journal of Comparative Physiology A 198: 325-335.
Frei B, Bird DM, Titman RD. 2010. Bobolink egg mass variability and nestling growth patterns. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122: 432-438.
Hudson MA, Gahbauer M, Leckie S, Frei B. 2008. Unusually Extensive Preformative Molt in Hatching-year Song Sparrows. North American Bird Bander 33: 1-6
Frei B, Bennett E, Kerr JT. In review. Biodiversity conservation in temperate agroecosystems requires both land sharing and land sparing. Conservation Biology.
Corriveau A, Jones L, Frei B. In prep. Cavity characteristics and occupancy of Collared Aracaris (Pteroglossus torquatus) in a fragmented landscape. Target journal: Journal of Tropical Ecology.
Frei B, Nocera JJ, Cadille J, Fyles J. In prep. Mapping temporal fluctuations in the relationship between a threatened species and two possible competitors. Target journal: Condor
Frei B, Fyles J, Nocera JJ. In prep. Avian communities in deciduous woodlots of Ontario. Target journal: The Canadian Journal of Forestry Research.
Selected Honours and Awards
· FRQNT, Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2014
· Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution, Student Presentation Award, 2013
· McGill University, Graduate Excellence Fellowship, 2012 & 2013
· Species at Risk Research Fund for Ontario (SARRFO), 2012
· Species at Risk Stewardship Fund (SARSF), 2010-2011
· FRQNT, Graduate Scholarship, 2011-2012
· NSERC, Postgraduate Scholarship D2, 2009-2011
· McGill University Graduate Student Fellowship, 2009
· Trent University Dean’s PhD Scholarship, declined: 2009
· Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada, Research Grant, 2007-2008
· Fondation de la Faune de Québec, Research Grant, 2006-2007
· NSERC, Canada Graduate Scholarship, 2005-2007
Hiking, gardening, cooking, birding, natural history, cross-country skiing, snowboarding, travelling
Contact information
[email protected]
You can also check out my website for more details!