Amaia Albizua Aguinaco
Current position GV-EJ Postdoctoral researcher Degrees Received Doctorate of philosophy, PhD in Science and Technology (2016) University Autonomous of Barcelona "Social-ecological impacts of agrarian intensification: The case of modern irrigation in Navarre" Master in environmental studies. Specialty "Ecological economics and environmental management" (2011) Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA) – Autonomous University of Barcelona “A values-based approach to vulnerability and adaptation to climate change. Applying Q methodology in the Ebro Delta” Inter-University Master in management of soil and water Higher technical school of agricultural engineering (ETSEA) - University of Lleida (2009) "Characterization of soils in the environment of the wetlands of Salburua, in Vitoria-Gasteiz (Álava-Araba)" BSc. Environmental Sciences (2004) University of Salamanca |
Research interests
Publications Albizua, A., Williams, A., Hedlund, K., Pascual, U. 2015. Crop rotation including ley and manure can promote ecosystem services in conventional farming systems. APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY. 95. 54-61. DOI (10.1016/j.apsoil.2015.06.003). Cazcarro, I. and Albizua, A. 2015. La situación de los deltas ante al cambio climático: visión general y reflexión sobre España y el Delta del Ebro. Naturaleza Aragonesa- SAMPUZ - Sociedad de Amigos del Museo Paleontológico de la Universidad de Zaragoza. 32. 31-37. Albizua, A. and Zografos, C. 2014. A values-based approach to vulnerability and adaptation to climate change. Applying Q methodology in the Ebro Delta, Spain. Environmental Policy and Governance. DOI (10.1002/eet.1658). Alonso, L., Albizua, A., and Colino V. (2004) Islandia: la alternativa es posible. En: Energía y medio ambiente Selected presentations Modern irrigation double edge: Farmers’ vulnerability through the lens of legitimacy and equity, presented at the Economies in an age of limits: time for (R)evolution, organized by Société Canadienne en Économié Écologique, Montreal, Canada, Oct, 2017 Understanding Farmer Uptake: What measures are most promising to deliver on supporting biodiversity and ecosystem services in the next round of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)? , presented at the Kick-off Meeting Eklipse - tender specifications EC evaluations, organized by Helmholtz Association, Brussels, Belgium, Jul, 2017 Cambio climático y el sector primario: Ideas generales y un caso cercano, presented at the “Cambio Climático en Navarra: panorama, retos y respuestas”, organized by Navarra Government, Pamplona, Spain, Jun, 2017 Métodos de evaluación de los servicios ecosistémicos, presented at the Life Tremedal, organized by Gestión Ambiental de Navarra, Señorío de Bertiz, Spain, Oct, 2015 Soil agrarian systems under intensification: changing values and livelihoods in Navarre, Spain, presented at the Transformations 11th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics 2015, organized by University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom, Jun, 2015 El riego, cuestionado para la adaptación al cambio climático en Navarra, presented at the Klimagune, organized by BC3, Bilbao, Spain, Dec, 2014 Agrarian ecosystem services for human well-being. Perceptions and valuations under land intensification process, presented at the Summer School BC3: Climate Change: Understanding the Challenge, organized by BC3, Donostia-SanSebastian, Spain, Jul, 2014 Tradeoffs and synergies of bundles of ecosystem services under a gradient of agricultural management, presented at the III workshop REMEDIA, organized by Universidad de Valencia, Valencia, Spain, Apr, 2014 SMARTSOILS Brain-storming workshop, presented at the Workshop on land management, costs and decision support tools, organized by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid- CEIGRAM-SMARTsoils project , Madrid, Spain, Feb, 2014 Political ecology of agrarian cosystem services, presented at the EcoFINDERS 3rd Annual Meeting, organized by University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, Feb, 2014 Work Experience 2010 Consultant at UNESCO Cluster Office in Accra, Ghana 2006-2008 Environmental manager / Environmental education instructor in Pagoa, Consultores Ambientales, Vitoria-Gasteiz 2007-2008 Research assistant at Macaulay Institute (now Hutton Institute) in Aberdeen, Scotland, UK 2003-2007 Environmental manager at Aialur S.L. Amurrio (Álava) 2004-2005 Lab assistant at the Laboratory of ecology of rivers, Faculty of science and technology, University of the Basque Country 2004 Environmental manager at Tubos Reunidos, S.A. Amurrio (Álava) Awards and grants 2007 Cooperating Basque Youth scholarship granted by the Basque government 2007 Leonardo da Vinci scholarship granted by CONFEBASK 2009 Scholarship to pursue a master's degree in a Spanish University, granted by CAIXA 2010 Scholarship to work at UNESCO, granted by UNESCO Etxea / Basque Government 2016 Basque Government Postdoctoral Scholarship, granted by the Basque Government Other Interests Trekking, yoga, music, science communication, traveling, cinema Contact information [email protected] or [email protected] @AmaiaAlbizua |